Enduring a Satanic Attack
How do you respond when facing a strong temptation?
A way the Devil tries to thwart the Lord’s purpose in our life and deny God the worship and glory He’s due.
Creating doubt in our mind.
• He causes us to question God’s love, distrust His will, and doubt His Word.
Engaging us in debate.
• He tricks us into thinking we’re talking to ourselves and tries to make us reconsider doing something we know is wrong.
Using deception.
• He makes things appear to be what they are not.
• He lies and attempts to mislead or confuse us.
► “God has given us a clear picture of how Satan works. He’s also promised we do not have to yield unless we choose to.”
We can endure a satanic attack and have victory by …
1. Standing firm in the strength of Almighty God.
• We must always rely on His strength instead of our own (Ephesians 6:10).
2. Resisting.
• We must refuse to listen to what the enemy tells us (James 4:7). This requires being submitted to God’s will and walking in the Spirit.
3. Saying, “It is written …”
• We must be armed with Scripture, as Jesus was (Matthew 4:1-11), and know what it means.
4. Assuming our authority as believers indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
• We must remember that the Holy Spirit, who lives within us, is greater than Satan (1 John 4:4). And in Jesus’ name, we can command the enemy to depart."