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God Has the Final Say on Our Future

Every day can be a new beginning with Christ; His mercy is always available.

Joshua 2:8-14

Rahab, a prostitute in the enemy nation of Jericho, had faith that the Lord would rescue her family from the Israelites’ impending attack. We aren’t told why she chose to protect the men of Israel and trust God—perhaps Rahab herself didn’t even know why she risked defying the king on behalf of two strangers.

What we do know is this: On trusting in God’s protection, Rahab became grafted into the story of His people. The Lord didn’t count Rahab’s sin against her, but instead spared the woman’s entire family—and redeemed her history.

Ultimately, Rahab chose God’s way over her own culture and livelihood, at the risk of her own life. When her city and its walls fell to the ground, she joined the family of Israel and was given a new home. Faith changed the trajectory of her life, and she’s listed as one of the women in Jesus’ lineage.

Similarly, faith in God invites renewal and change in our own life. It’s not our sin that the Lord ultimately considers, but our faith. Rahab’s story reminds us that we don’t have to be perfect for God to use us. No matter what we have done, He can reweave our broken past into a future filled with grace."

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