The more we obey God, the more He can use us to build His kingdom.
Daniel 6
We live in a noncommittal world, where perseverance is all too rare. If a job is difficult or boring, people often think, Why not find another one? Or when a marriage becomes unhappy, many wonder, Should I be with someone else?
Sadly, this mindset is also found among believers. At the first sign of conflict, some Christians hop to another church instead of working through difficulties with their local body of believers. And when it comes to our personal walk of faith, many of us struggle to maintain a consistent quiet time with the Lord.
Daniel was a man of steadfast loyalty. Not even the awareness that he could be killed interfered with his practice of praying three times a day. Such commitment to the Lord was noted by others. Jealous officers and governors used Daniel’s consistency to trap him, but the king made a remarkable statement: “Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you” (Dan. 6:16). Apparently, he believed Daniel’s devotion would be the key to the young man’s deliverance
Daniel’s victory in the lion’s den led to great influence, as it inspired the king’s decree to worship the Lord. Have you considered that the Lord was able to use him because of his unwavering obedience and worship? Imagine what God can do with you when you also commit yourself to Him."
Matthew 16:21-27
The incident in today’s passage demonstrates a common struggle for believers: At times God’s Word or ways might be different than what we want. When the Lord does something that’s not in line with the result we hope for, we may respond with anger, fear, rebellion, or despair.
This conflict between us and God can happen whenever our desires clash with His or when we consider our own reasoning to be superior. Although we may think our disagreement with the Lord is no big deal, Jesus’ response to Peter indicates otherwise. When the apostle set his mind on man’s interests rather than God’s, he was distracted by the devil’s lies instead of supporting Jesus’ work. That’s not a place any believer wants to be in. Although some passages in the Bible may challenge our faith and call for self-denial, we shouldn’t let any initial reluctance keep us from obeying the Lord.
Remember, God’s understanding far exceeds ours because He is eternal and omniscient. Everything in His Word is true and “profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). The exchange between Peter and Jesus should serve as a reminder that God knows what He’s doing and is worthy of our trust and obedience.
